Make America Rock Again

Disheartened? Who is Desperate Enough to Make America Rock Again?

Unifying America through a Single Riff!

Less than 24 hours ago, I found myself lying in a room with three women, none of which I knew. It’s Election Day, so what better day to get F . . . . well, you know.

The sign on the door said #2, the music blasting through the speakers was Deep Purple’s Smoke on the Water. It’s riff being one of the first every new aspiring guitar player learns. Some even convince themself this makes them a guitar player, and they dare to continue at it for years, not that I know anyone like that. Most people know the sound of the song. Yet, few know how close the song came to never exist.

Ian Gillan Deep Purple

Singer and lyricist for Deep Purple, Ian Gillan, was faced with two roads diverging in popular music’s lexicon. In 1969, Ian found himself fronting an early incarnation of Deep Purple while also embodying the role of Jesus as the lead singer on an artsy, musical side project.

Jesus Christ Super Star Tour

Here is How that Played Out

Lyrics and Explanations

We all came out to Montreux
On the Lake Geneva shoreline

Ian found himself in Montreal, Switzerland, on December 1, 1971, with the rest of Deep Purple. There he collaborated on the lyrics and sang about little more than a journal entry of the day’s events.

To make records with a mobile

The band planned to record a new album using a mobile unit — a portable recording studio in the back of a truck. It could be brought to the location to capture live recordings. Standard now, but novel at the time. More on that in a moment.

The band listened on as Frank Zappa and the Mother’s of Invention were completing a rare afternoon concert.

They quickly relocated to the less than inspiring Grand Hotel with the mobile unit in tow.

The Mobile Unit that band used was an early savvy investment by The Rolling Stones. It has been used for nearly 30 years to record some of the biggest albums of all time, including Bob Marley, Led Zeppelin, Santana, Simple Minds, Iron Maiden, Dire Straits, Buddy Rich, and many more. However, it was Deep Purple that immortalized a taken for granted but integral part of recording equipment into one of the most endearing classic rock songs of all time.

Believe it or not, this all was going through my mind. Just as Linda, one of the ladies in the room, asked me to roll over to my left side. My empty stomach rumbles. I barely feel the sensation of cold air as the back of my gown is opened by Joy. Yep, that’s her real name! I am instantly asleep, and Colonoscopy number one is underway. That’s how you get familiar, with a capital F, with a stranger, on Election Day.

The last thing we need is another excuse not to do our best.


We do NOT need politicians or a political party to tell us how to be better human beings.


We CAN do that regardless of who sits as President.


We ARE our own mobile unit, capable of greatness! ​


Deep Purple, a rock band, wrote an accidental, unexpected, and enduring hit song by not giving up. Even when their makeshift recording studio burned to the ground. They gave thousands of wanna-be-rock stars hope. They showed a riff simplified and played on one finger could live forever! Even more than Sabbath’s previously released, Iron Man.

Even more than Sabbath’s previously released, Iron Man. Even those that heard Seven Nation Army first, by The White Stripes, eventually go back to discover Smoke on the Water!

Anyone can play, sing, dance, or apparently put on makeup to this riff! My daughters and I are kicking things off with our own versions.


Guitar, TikTok, and Ukelele!

Be sure to hashtag your performance with #DeepPurpleChallenge and #MakeAmericaRockAgain

Then add a link to your performance in the comments below. Please keep it word free and non-political, unless you use the original lyrics.

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