Many people have come to know me for riding a motorcycle, traveling, writing, and sharing photos over the years. However, I also had an entire life as a traveling musician and road manager. Overlapping that time, I was an Operations Manager, a VP, and even a CTO of a small but successful software company. However, when I start writing about some of these topics, it can really throw off some of the people that only know me through social media. I’ve literally had people tell me, “enough already, just tell us about the ride, man!” Well, no more. I have held myself back for way too long.
To those who want just the ride reports, I apologize. I have too many interests to only speak about a single topic. I also tend to see everything as connected. I can easily connect Chicken Sue of Chicken, Alaska, and bass player Jaco Pastorius.
Chicken Sue, The Pie Lady of Chicken, Alaska

I had the pleasure of meeting Sue, the Pie Lady of Chicken Alaska. She shared great stories, served up an amazing breakfast, and sent us on our way to Dawson in the Yukon with tasty desserts in our saddlebags.
Jaco Pastorius Chicken
Epic Performance of Jaco’s the Chicken with a Full Band and Soul Intro
I can appreciate those that want to stay on one topic. But, as someone with diverse interests and a compulsion to share, I sometimes cannot help myself. In fact, when I learn something, if I don’t share it with at least one person, I can’t move on. I literally walk around with a sense of guilt!
I learn a ton from people that share my interests. But I often learn much more from those with something new to offer. Be it a new subject or merely a different perspective. When I was focused on motorcycle travel photography and writing, my motto was, “Don’t Go Anywhere, Go Somewhere.” This was inspired by my then, 4-year old daughter not wanting to run errands, but to go have an experience. From her lips to the tagline of my website! Thanks, Kiddo!
Over time this has morphed into “Don’t Do Anything… Do Something.” It is a battle cry for living fully and making moments count. Laster, I attended a one day class offered by Success Magnified’s Mary Gaul. I gathered feedback from friends and co-workers. At the workshop, I compared and contrasted how people perceived me against how I perceived myself. After some fun but intense introspection, I came up with what is referred to as my Pinnacle Gift Statement:
My exploration of self and the great unknown inspires others to seek out, commit to, and navigate their own unique journey towards truly being Alive!
This awareness changed everything for me. I wasn’t a number, a letter, or anything that could be put in a box based on a personality assessment. I believe there is value in such tools; Strength Finders, Myers Briggs, DiSC, etc. My favorite being the Enneagram. But these assessments are all starting points, not limiters. They are a way out, not something to hold you down.
Ultimately, I am committed to living my life fully and inspiring and helping others do the same. This means I bring a lot of thoughts and ideas to the table. Sometimes I get it right. Sometimes I don’t. Some things I say will connect with others; others will not. That is ok. In certain spiritual and recovery circles, a famous phrase is, “Take what you need and leave the rest.” Regardless of your connection to those circles, it really is excellent advice to anyone striving to feel fully alive! I encourage everyone to approach their life in this way. Chances are we get one shot. Make it count!